TUT2 Table of Contents

The Ultimate Tone Vol. 2

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Sound Stages
Music and Harmony
Individual Growth
PA Evolution
Dissonant Performance
Enter the Sound Man
How Loud is Loud … What?… How Loud …
Stage Set-Ups
Conventional Stage
Side-Wash Set-Up
Symmetric Stage
Local Symmetry
The Ultimate Stage Setup
Unified Stage
PAs and Monitors
House EQ
Monitor Systems
Snakes … Ssss
Band-Controlled Monitoring
Vocal Concerns
Stage Monitoring Implications

Chapter 2: Power Supply Tricks
Power to the People
AC and DC Equivalence
AC-Phase, Watts and VA
Voltage Regulation
Active Regulation
Practical Regulators
Transistor Voltage Ratings
Series-Shunt Regulator
Hum Filters and Voltage Clamps
Multiple Voltage
Buffered Multi-Node Supply
Power Supplies and Tone
Signals in Power Supplies
Altering the Supply Impedance
Increasing and Decreasing B+
Variable Regulators
Feedback-Controlled Adjustable Regulators
Adjustable Proportional Regulator
Avoiding Earthquakes
AC-Controlled Feedback Regulator
AC-Controlled Proportional Regulators
Variable-Impedance Rectifiers
Multi-Element Tubes as Rectifiers
Using Tube Rectifiers with
Non-Centre-Tapped Windings
Boost and Buck
Zener Diode Buck
Hazards of Reducing B+
Tracking Power Supplies
Tracking Regulators
Bias Supply Details
Adding Balance Provisions
High Current Bias Rails
Screen Supplies
Screens and Stand-Bys
Filament and Heater Supplies
Non-Regulated DC Heaters

Chapter 3: Tube Power Amplifiers
Classes and Topologies
Single-Ended Amps
Push-Pull Class-A
Class A2 Power Amps
Class-AB Power Amps
Class-B Design Procedure
Transformer-Driven Designs
SE Transformers
Push-Pull Transformers
Custom Transformer Specifications
Bias Adjustments
Fixed-Bias Issues
Adjustable Fixed-Bias
Bias-Set Networks
Cathode-Bias and Fixed-Bias Switching
Bias Procedures
The Scope Method
Transformer Shunt Method
Dissipation Method
Dissipation Bias-Set Procedure
Cathode Current Measurement Errors
Screen Protection
Triode Operation
Power Amp Master Volume and Tone Options
Cross-Line Master Volume
Power Amp EQ
SE to PP Panning
Re-Issue Solutions

Chapter 4: Solid State Power Amps
Constant Change
Junction Rectifiers
Bipolar Junction Transistors
BJT Gain Stages
J-Fet Circuits
Current Sources, Sinks and Mirrors
Current Sources
Current Sinks
Current Mirrors
Extended Current Sinks, Sources
and Mirrors
Differential Amplifiers
Darlington Connections and CFPs
Voltage Amplifers
Single-Rail vs. Split Supplies
Standard Power Amp Front-End
Current-Mirrored VAS
Complementary-Symmetry Front-End
Output Stage Design
Safe Operating Area
Output Stages
Quasi-Complementary Output Stages
Bias Circuits
Cross-Over Distortion
Bias Generators
VBE Multipliers
Current Clamps
Power Amplifier Topologies
Nested Feedback Loops
Typical Instrument Amps
Low-Power Amps
Medium-Power Amps
High Power Amp Techniques
Bridged Outputs
Cascode Outputs
Floating Power Supplies
Multi-Tier Designs

Chapter 5: Hybrid and Alternative Power Amps
Gain Structures
The Output Section
Bias Networks
DC Offset Correction
Tube Voltage Gain Stage
Power Supplies and Hybrid Power Amps
Heater Supplies
Output Section Power Supply
Plate Supplies
High-Headroom Output Buffer
High-Voltage Output Buffer
Cascode Output
Multi-Tier Output Stage
Alternative Power Amps
Single-Ended Using a Filamentary Triode
Push-Pull Triode Amp
OTL Amps
Single-Rail Push-Pull (SRPP)
Simple Class-A Solid-State Amp
Son of Zen

Chapter 6: Pillars of Tone
“Do You Hear What I Hear?”
Preamp Options
Triode Voltage Amplifiers
Pentode Voltage Amplifiers
Power Tubes as Voltage Amplifiers
Modern Tube Techniques
Split-Rail Designs
Frequency Shaping
Passive EQ
Boosts, Cuts, Shifts
Active EQ
Inverting EQ
Active Cross-Overs
Speaker Selection
Types of Devices
Reverb Circuit Alternatives
Reverb Injection
Bias Modulation
Signal Path Modulators
Compressors and Limiters
Vocal Amps
Acoustic Instruments
Simple Switching
Simple A,B Channel Switch
Smart Foot-Switch, Dumb Amp
LDR Control
Speaker Selector
Dream On